Links to resources for COVID-19 related news which may directly, or indirectly, impact the business of our members or industry stakeholders, including: • Residential Rental Property Owners • Residential Rental Property Managers • Real Estate Entrepreneurs
April 1, 2021 - Evictions Moratorium Extended until 2021.10.03
What are the required qualifications? Tenants need to complete this form. Download this PDF form. (Effective 09.03 - 2021.10.03). This is the form you should provide for your tenants. The form itself expires 2022.02.28.
Tenants may find financial assistance may be available at different agencies in Iowa. This Resource Listing (in Excel format) is courtesy Tim Wilson, who spoke at a Iowa Landlord Association meeting in October, 2020.
For those in Polk County, use Resource Listing - Polk County instead.
(NOTE: once you click the link, the file should open in your browser. If not, try right clicking on the link to download it then open with Excel. Sometimes, a browser can't handle the display of the data properly).
The declaration is for residents of residential properties who are covered by the CDC's order temporarily halting evictions (does not include foreclosures on home mortgages) to prevent the further spread of COVID-19. Under the CDC's order, each tenant on the lease must provide a copy of this declaration to their landlord, property manager or owner's agent who has a right to evict them or remove them from where they live.
--> When you give your tenants this form, we recommend you have them print their name below their signature. --<
Tenants are still required to pay rent and follow all the other terms of their lease and rules of the place where they live. They may still be evicted for reasons other than not paying rent or making a housing payment. This declaration is sworn testimony, meaning that respondents can be prosecuted, go to jail, or pay a fine if they lie, mislead, or omit important information.
Older resources listed below (listed only for historical purposes):
Polk County Resources:
Below is a helpful video from Matt McCoy, Polk County Supervisor, District 5. His video, "Polk County Assistance Information for Landlords" shows some of the available documents and programs available at as well as other resources.
Read the White House Briefing Statement here.
Read the full notice here.
Read a detailed summary by Attorney Christopher Warnock here.
2020.06.09 - Posted NEW ISC Supervisory Order (2020.05.22)
2020.06.09 - IFA -- Housing Recovery Information -- grants for Tenants to pay Landlords Directly
Results of our "Survey on Governor's Proclamation & the Courts regarding Evictions Moratorium". (106 Responded as of May 5). Also -- Responses regarding delinquencies.
URGENT ALERT! - ACLU and 22 Agencies petition Gov. Reynolds to extend the moratorium for 45 days!
DM Register Article - Headline News Story -- May 23 in Sunday Paper
We expect to petition the Governor on May 26 with a letter of our own.
Q. Is the Eviction Moratorium still effective?
A. No. The eviction moratorium was lifted by Governor Reynolds on May 28th.
Q. How is the court doing with scheduling for FED hearings?
A. In Polk County, the delay is about 45 days, instead of the usual 8 or 15 days. Different counties will have different time tables. Check with Clerk of Court in your county.
Q. Is the moratorium on evictions and foreclosures for government backed loans; FHA, VA, Dept of AG, and loans purchased and held by Fannie Mae (FNMA) and Freddie Mac (FHLMC) still in effect?
A. Yes. Through June 30, for sure. Not sure if it has been extended. Check the HUD website at
Any information a reader has that can improve the accuracy of the above is welcomed!
Please contact us at
or (515) 274-0300 or (515) 710-1955 or (515) 255-0675
Business Loans from CARES Act + Mortgage Loan Info
Statewide Proclamations and Issues
Proclamations of Governor Reynolds
- 2020.04.27 - Proclamation extends Evictions Moratorium through May 27, 2020 - see Page 20 for specifics. NOTE: "Iowans should not expect that I will issue any further extension of this suspension past May 27, 2020"
- 2020.04.02 - Proclamation - see Page 17 for Suspension of Foreclosures and Certain Evictions
- 2020.03.20 - Proclamation includes eviction moratorium
Iowa Judicial Branch - Supervisory Orders
- 2020.05.22 - New Supervisory Order -- See Paragraphs 37-40
- 2020.04.02 - This is a combination of seven (7) Supervisory Orders, since March 12 - See Paragraphs 23 & 26 in re: Evictions (FED's) and Original Notices
- 2020.03.17 - COVID-19 Impact on Court Services
Iowa Finance Authority - Special Programs to help limit your loses!
- 2020.06.05 - Eviction Prevention Landlord Information <-- LOOK HERE! Is your tenant eligible? If so, they could receive approval on a grant that can be sent directly to you, the landlord, for up to $3,200!
- 2020.06.01 - Eviction & Foreclosure Prevention Program
Legal Issues for Landlords
- Iowa Legal Aid "What you need to know about Evictions" - updated 4/2/2020 - Great resource! (We could try to duplicate the above link yet we don't have 10 lawyers & a covey of staff people on the payroll. Thus, here is a valuable resource which an organization with a BUDGET is diligently keeping up-to-date. We highly recommend our Landlords and Property Managers review this information).
Local Issues -- Pertinent updates for Municipalities across Iowa
Email correspondence - SuAnn Donovan, Zoning & NID Administrator, City of DSM - in re: Inspections, HAB, etc.
National REIA Bulletins & COVID-19 Related News
Links of General Interest COVID-19 Resources
(Please let us know what else should be here!)
- Iowa Workforce Development
- Hotline for COVID-19 Questions answered 24/7 - (800) 244-7431
- Iowa COVID-19 Legal Issues HotLine -- (800) 332-0419 (Line is actually served by Iowa Legal Aid. Not much help to Landlords, unfortunately).
Scientific but short video review of the Coronavirus commonly known as COVID-19 (a/k/a SARS-CoV-2) .
Clicking the picture leads to a 5-min. Youtube Video.