Iowa Apartment Association
dba IaRPOA

Become an IaREIA Member Today!

IaRPOA Membership Plans
Joining or renewing is easy.  First, make sure you are logged in (whether a dues paying member, or a guest you must login first).  
NOTE: You are joining or renewing membership in a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization.  Your membership is a donation to a charitable organization engaged primarily in education and lessening the burdens of government. (See the IRS definition here). 

Regular Membership Plans:
One IaRPOA membership allows attending either the Iowa Rental Property Owners Association or IaREIA subgroup meetings, or both!   These two groups have different meetings with a different focus, though there is overlap. 

Attendees of the IaRPOA group focus primarily on what it takes to be a top-notch housing provider, with a long term investment objective.  Attendees of the IaREIA group focus on using Real Estate investing as a vehicle to generate immediate to near term cash.    
Membership provides significant benefits and privileges (e.g. access to the Members-Only section of our website -- for forms, members only benefits (tenant screening services, discount cards, loyalty rewards, etc.) with only two obligations: 
1) Members agree to abide by our Code of Ethics
2) Members agree to be bound by our "Agreement for Use of Association Forms" when using our forms.  Visit to join.  Use Chapter Code <IaREIA> as you register.  
Members with rentals incur a:
  • $1.00, $.75, $.50, or $.35/unit surcharge for each unit owned or under management. These unit surcharges help offset the overall cost of grass roots lobbying and the expensive infrastructure to support the most massive effort of this nature anyone has ever undertaken in the State of Iowa to advance the cause of the Residential Rental Property Industry.  No one has ever put together such an extensive database of industry stakeholders, nor is any other association likely to take on such an endeavor.  The cost and direct labor involved is nearly mind numbing, and that's the reason we know there is no one even close to providing the level of power to our industry that we do. 

Our collective power is, unfortunately, dependent on constituent's responding to our "Calls to Action" and our members commitment to renewing membership.  New members provide the energy of an association yet renewing members provide the lifeblood for our future success.

PLEASE NOTE: Effective May 20, 2019, there are NO REFUNDS for new memberships.  Your only recourse: 1) Do not join in the first place, or 2) Do not renew at the end of your subscription period.  Why?  Because once you become a member, you immediately have access to a plethora of members-only content, particularly our Iowa specific forms, which are readily accessible here at this website.  Joining IaRPOA is like joining a specialty, online forms supplier and finding one form which may provide value well beyond the cost of an entire year of dues.  

THEREFORE, all membership purchases are final!          

For all membership types, additional members beyond the base may be added for $60/year (e.g. for an owner/vendor who wishes to allow onsite property managers and office or maintenance staff to attend meetings).   

IaRPOA-Silver (0-24 units) Annual - $195 Initial ($120 Renewal) - Designed for more entry level members, and includes maintenance of two (2) member accounts (spouse, significant other, business associate).   

IaRPOA-Gold (25-99 units) Annual - $255 Initial ($180 Renewal) - Designed for more advanced members, and includes maintenance of three (3) member accounts (spouse, significant other, business associate).   

IaRPOA-Platinum (100+ units) Annual - $315 Initial ($240 Renewal) - Designed for advanced, multi-family owners and property managers, and includes maintenance of four (4) member accounts   (spouse, significant other, business associate, community managers or maintenance personnel).  

IaRPOA-Titanium (360+ units) Annual - $375 Initial ($300 Renewal) - Designed for advanced, multi-family owners and property managers, and includes maintenance of five (5) member accounts   (spouse, significant other, business associate, community managers or maintenance personnel).  

Add'l Member (or Named Complex) - $60

Online Only-At-Large Membership - $99 Initial ($69 Renewal) - Annual subscription - Designed for maintenance of one "At-Large" membership for up to two (2) members who reside at least 60 miles from an active district meeting of IaREIA.  
Vendor Partner Membership Plans:
Vendor Partner - Small Biz <= 6 Employees - $225 Initial ($150 Renewal) Includes maintenance of membership records for two (2) members.  
Vendor Partner - Large Biz 6+ Employees - $300 Initial ($225 Renewal)
Includes maintenance for up to three (3) member accounts. 

For meetings when there is a charge, active members may attend at a significant discount, if not without charge.  

Effective Sept 1, 2015, Guest Fees subsequent to the first meeting have a standard charge of $30 at the door.

NOTE: For those with rentals, at your first registration, the Unit Surcharge may be invoiced separately, should you register online without accomplishing the following:   Please add, by clicking on "Products, Tickets, & Services" menu option on the left sidebar, then choosing "Unit Surcharge" from the available items.  Adjust the Unit Count, press the recalculate button, then complete your payment.    This actual surcharge fee is commensurate with your membership level, effective Feb 1, 2016 ($1.00, $.75, $.50 or $.35 per unit).   Funds received per unit are currently being allocated to software systems and operating expense.      

 Membership TypePriceRecurringRecurring PricePer Unit Surcharge
SelectIaRPOA-Silver 0-24u Annual $195.00 Annually $120.00
SelectIaRPOA-Gold 25-99u Annual $255.00 Annually $180.00
SelectIaRPOA-Platinum 100+u Annual $315.00 Annually $240.00
SelectIaREIA-Titanium 360+Units Annual $375.00 Annually $300.00 $0.35
SelectIaREIA-Silver Annual $195.00 Annually $120.00
SelectIaREIA-IaRPOA-Silver (Annual w/Qtrly Pymt) $240.00 Quarterly $40.00
SelectOnline "At-Large Silver Annual Membership" $99.00 Annually $69.00 $1.00
SelectOnline "At-Large Gold Annl Membership" $99.00 Annually $69.00 $0.75
SelectOnline "At-Large Platinum Annl Membership" $99.00 Annually $69.00 $0.50
SelectIaREIA-VP <6 Employees Annual $225.00 Annually $150.00 $1.00
SelectIaREIA-VP 6+ Employees Annual $300.00 Annually $225.00 $0.75
SelectIaREIA-VP <4 Emps-(Annl w/Qtrly Pymt) $60.00 Quarterly $60.00 $0.25
SelectIaREIA-VP "Online At Large" Out-of-State-Annual $150.00 Annually $100.00
SelectAdditional Member $60.00 Annually $60.00

Membership has its Benefits!


Real Estate Investors Uniting for Success


  • WHO WE ARE: After 35 years as the Iowa Landlord Association (ILA), and 9 years as Two Rivers REIA of Central Iowa (TRREIA), we are merging these two organizations under one umbrella organization – IaREIA.   We have focused on three primary benefits Education, Legislation, and Member Benefits (ELM) for several years now, and there is enough overlap in the focus of both groups, that merging was logical. We are proud of our Charter Chapter status, and the national awards we have won --  in 2014  for "Legislative Affairs" and two awards in 2015, for "Legislative Affairs" and "Education".  We are committed to offering best-in-class services in Iowa. 
  • ABOUT ELM:  We proactively implement technology to enhance member benefits -- now, at an unprecedented level. This path is not without its speed bumps, but to be best-in-class in Iowa with forms, training, access to timely information of direct value to members, accounting system and property management training, ready access to other members for networking, listings of investment property for sale, and access to top notch Vendor Partners, we felt it necessary to get caught up with the top performers in the nation!    ELM is simply the acronym which best describes our primary focus.    
  • WHO WE SERVE: We serve Rental Property Owners and Property Managers of residential rental property across Iowa, from the Missouri to the Mississippi River, and from Kansas to Minnesota – through the Iowa Landlord Association subgroup.   We also serve real estate entrepreneurs in the same region, through Two Rivers REIA.   In those areas where we do not currently offer district meetings, we offer an internet only membership which provides access to the "Members-Only" portions of our web resources, including access to association forms.  
  • OUR MEMBERS and MEMBERSHIPS:  Our members include active stakeholders in the industry, primarily owners and property managers, as well as Vendor Partners who serve those industries.  We no longer (as of Aug 1, 2015) offer separate memberships to ILA or TRREIA -- when you join IaREIA, you automatically have access to meetings of both subgroups (except "At Large, Online Only").  Our “At Large” membership is for those who live more than 60 miles from a local, district meeting.  You’ll find more details under membership type.
  • SCOPE OF SERVICE:  Our association is extending our outreach across Iowa primarily to enhance our effectiveness at the State General Assembly level.   We have a 50-Senate District and 100-House District strategy to accomplish our objectives, so we serve members across the entire state.    Because many rental property owners are looking for new and creative ways to expand their real estate investment portfolio (best accomplished by attending subgroup meetings of ILA) and to create income generating opportunities (best accomplished by attending subgroup meetings of TRREIA), we have merged the two membership types.  Now, both groups benefit from our lobbying efforts to create fair and balanced legislation at the State Level.  We serve members from “River to River”.    No other organization in the state offers this mix of opportunity for networking and professional, industry specific education.   
  • STATEWIDE PAC: Through the Iowa Rental Property Owners Political Action Committee (IARPO-PAC) and our lobbying activities, we assist in the creation and modification of State Laws for a fair and balanced approach to benefit our members.  We share this PAC operations and funds allocation with other groups in the state.  We are very committed to ensuring funds are distributed in a non-partisan manner.   What we hope for, and often enjoy, is a seat at the table when legislative issues effecting investment property owners and managers are being consider.   We want our Legislators to spend more time legislating and less time fundraising!  The designation of funds distribution is shared with Landlords of Iowa.   
  • APPLICANT SCREENING SERVICES:   One of our Tier-1 Vendor Partners is Contemporary Information Corporation (CIC), for whom we have been a marketing affiliate for over five(5) years.   We hear these services rate as best in the nation from our members, barring none, for timely response and accuracy.   When you add in our support, willingness to be an "online requester" for small operations, and that we waive the $75 setup fee for our members, this service is mission critical for many. CIC creates "raving fans" of our members.  IaREIA-ILA is proud to be the exclusive representative for CIC in Iowa, and no account is too far away for us to setup.  In fact, Apply Connect is available to landlords all over the nation!   And landlord or property manager, in the country! -- can get started here, today!!! 
  • LOCAL LOBBYING THROUGH DISTRICT GROUPS: Through “District Sub-Groups”, that can operate like a franchise, we help local leaders to be freed up to focus on their local issues.   Instead of being burdened with administrative headaches, which will accrue to any organization over time, we enable our District leaders to focus on what really matters — helping their groups deal with local ordinances and education for members to achieve more success.   We feel this is a more effective business model, reducing tensions between “competing” chapters.  We strive to create a “we’re all in this together” attitude.
  • ASSISTANCE TO OUR DISTRICTS:  The daily grind for administrative responsibilities can be overwhelming.   We serve to assist, not to control.  Though there are many administrative functions which are handled better with centralized responsibility, accountability, and authority, we come to our district meetings with the commitment to “assist” local leadership, not to take over.   We couldn’t be nearly as effective without local leadership!
  • MEMBERS ONLY & ONLINE DOCUMENTS: As an active member, you will have access to numerous forms and association trademarked assets which aid members in running a rental property business.  Premium forms and products are available, providing “best in class” resources to run your business at an even higher level.  Our forms are now “online” through Tenant Technologies.   For more information, contact the office.
  • EDUCATION and CERTIFICATIONS: We provide for our members the nationally recognized “Professional Housing Provider” (PHP) certification (a NaREIA-sponsored program) of 60-hours and the “Iowa Certified Housing Professional” certification (IaCHP - 36-hours of classroom training), designed for owners and managers of Iowa residential property.   We capture hours for members they may be viewed at any time, in your profile record.   
  • AFFILIATE MEMBERS:  Our Master Vendor Partners, Vendor Partners and Vendor Affiliates offer products and services of direct benefit for members.  We screen our vendor partners to ensure that professional services and high quality products are being provided to our members, yielding a “Speed of Trust” dividend for those who do business with our Vendor Partners.  We keep striving for "best in class" vendor partners, which we know can be very helpful to our members.

Should you have further questions, please contact our office.  You will want to have the most current information to start your ROI for investing in membership in IaREIA, today!  The Iowa Real Estate Investors Association.  We are "Real Estate Investors Uniting for Success".   


Contact Us

Iowa Apartment Association

1819 Beaver Ave Unit 30146
Des Moines, IA 50310-3815
(515) 274-0300

An Independent REIA Powered by:

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Your email will never be shared or sold to other members, vendors or any other third party without your consent.

Disclaimer  (Iowa Apartment Association) does not give legal, tax, economic, or investment advice. IaREIA disclaims all liability for the action or inaction taken or not taken as a result of communications from or to its members, officers, directors, employees and contractors. Each person should consult their own counsel, accountant and other advisors as to legal, tax, economic, investment, and related matters concerning Real Estate and other investments.   

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